Sorry for the lack of updates lately. The fall is the busiest time for us. Filling wood sheds, making kindling, helping people winterize and take out docks and boats. And, we haven't had any sun for a while and I don't want to waste my solar on you. But, since little brother finally did an up date, I thought I should. A note to people who might be a little squeamish about blood, guts and gore, don't look at the last pic. Sis, no, I don't feel better. Even after 28 weeks, all I think about is having a smoke. But, unlike a certain weak minded little brother, I haven't given in YET.
We had a snow day, last Thursday I think.

The sun only pops out for a few minutes at a time the past couple of weeks. I think that these pics were taken Saturday evening. If you look close you can see the last, lonely loon on the lake.

Another foggy morning.

This was one of the reddest sun rises that I have ever seen. The pics really don't do it justice. Of course, a half hour later it was cloudy.

Now you see a dock.

Now you don't. OK, you can still see it but it's on shore. That's Big Bryan and Bess on the ramp and Lord Edwin up on the poop deck.

Here's your last chance to look away.
Tuesday we went to the Kelley's for a deer tenderloin supper. The best ever! When we got home, Grasshopper misjudged the distance from the boat to the dock and her shin smashed on to the aluminum edge of the dock. No Jackie, she wasn't "tired". So, off we go to emerg. and sit there for 6 hours. We didn't get home till 3:15 am. There are 11 staples and a bunch of stitches below. Grasshopper was a real trooper through the whole deal and didn't cry like a wuss.
Last chance!