I guess if you live long enough you meet lots of people who send you cards. Or, maybe it's just that Jose is a really nice Lady.

Jose's beautiful table, before we made a mess of it. I seem to have lost my camera after the food was served.

Grasshopper on her way to town this again morning. You will notice that I have taken out the tree line. There is still lots of ice and water on top to lubricate the sliders on the snow machine. Lots and lots of snow in the bush. Daily highs have been around +10, but they are calling for lows the next few nights around -13. But I think that bug season is not too far away. Gotta go and paint the trim in the bathroom, see ya later.

1 comment:
Don't you know our family is more like a goat then a sheep? Oh, and I just got a new pc and after some tinkering it maybe be the fastest computer ever, and didn't have to sell a bgb to get it unlike a mac. Oh and I updated my blog!
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