The black flies are the worst that they have ever been, and the mosquitoes are just coming into full bloom. For that reason, we haven't fished much lately. Kat and Cat are the only ones catching fish. You should see poor Jack, the bunny. His ears are all chewed up and he rolls around in the dirt looking for relief. I'll try to get a pic of him as soon as the bugs thin out and provides some visibility. Usually the birds wake me up around 5 or so. This morning it was mosquitoes on the bedroom screen that woke me. I think it's been raining since your last long weekend, and it is starting to get old.
We've got black flies here now too! And the mostiquoes are starting as well - yuck!
I can't relate to the insects but the fact that it has rained every day for the last month here can make me feel some sympathy for you guys. Doesn't rain make the bugs stronger?
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