Scenery pics.

Remember, screens are our friends. It would be miserable with out a screened in deck at this time of year. Mrs. Slate really, really deserves one. The black flies seem to be thinning out a bit, but they can still come out in droves. They can crawl inside bug jackets and through your socks. Kita really suffers from them and it's hard to keep him inside. The mosquitoes are really bad, the worst in years. Probably due to all the rain. The weather has been strange the last three weeks. The old saying about waiting ten minutes holds true. Thunder storms, down pours, drizzle, fog, interrupted by short blasts of sun. The temps have hung around 15c, that's in the low sixty's, for Y'all's.

Grasshopper has gone to town today, so no one is pushing to hurry me, but that's about all I have to say today, except some of you bloggers are getting lazy. That's for you Tim, Rich and Super Calliope.
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