Friday, August 03, 2007

So, you are probably wondering where I've been. Monday we went to town, Kitchener town, to visit the Bishop super kids. I got a speeding ticket on the way down, and a flat tire on the way back. It was very hot down there, into the 40's with the humidex figured in. Thursday morning we spent some time at the water park.



Lilly on the river.

Hey Richie, it's been so long since you have been here that squatters have moved in to your place. I tried to run them off, but I was kind of out numbered.

George spent three days at the spa while we were down south and got a trim while he was there. He is a little embarrassed, so don't tell him his pic is on the web. He would be as upset as someone in a wet suit.


the Mailman Family said...

George looks really mad! I'd sleep with one eye open if I were you!

Anonymous said...

George looks a lot better than some one in a wet suit!!!!!