Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Still busy and still behind.

Preening loon.

Dawg, last Saturday.

We all agree that this is a blacked back woodpecker nest beside the Smith's dock. Click for more info.  The adults were way too fast to get pictures.

You can almost see somebody in there.

I love it when the sun pops out at sun set after a cloudy day.

A sleeping loon, right beside our dock.

"What? Did my snoring bother you?"

Dawg's new digs.

"What? No food?"

Sun set while leaving the pointy end.

Gotta run, no jokes for you today. 


1 comment:

Joseph W. Brown said...

Ack! Why didn't you take us to the Smith's dock? Black-backed Woodpecker has been at the top of my list for years.