Nice sun set a week ago Tuesday.
The next day a snow bunting hung out with us all day.
Last Friday we had a pretty good storm blow thru with some trees blown over, some uprooted, and some with the tops broken off.
Our dock was moved sideways and the legs were bent.
An impatient Henny up in the bird feeder.
We straightened out the dock enough to take out the wonkies. We will do a better job when the dock goes to dry dock.
On Monday we helped take out the Bedrock Ferry. Mrs. Slate is a pretty good backer upper, fer a girl.

Tuesday morning fog gave some eerie pictures.
Very calm Wednesday morning.
I went to church for the 11 o'clock service.
Made me think of "row on row".
Some townie lost their garbage on the road across from the gravel pit on the Notman road.

Or, I was just following Razor.

So, ya want a job in journalism?

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