Bedrock Municipal garage up date. Due to a bum knee, I've only spent one day on the project. These pics are from Mrs. Slate, the head carpenter, who has a little help from Kim and Jordan.
Day 5. All trusses up, fascia boards on. Enerfoil and strapping started.
Day 6. Valleys in the rain.
Day 7. Enerfoil almost done. Roof all strapped, waiting for steel, ledger board for carport roof.
Day 8. Windows.
Day 9. Doors, soffits and flashing.
Day 10. Roofing.
Sept 26. Morning fog.
That blob just past the rocks is a beaver.
See him?
I started tomatoes from seed. They are just starting to ripen now. Last tomatoes on Lil' Tomiko.
I wonder if the Hippy Chick from Woodstock remembers these trees.
Lucy and Mom last Monday.
Last Tuesday morning was very still, no frost, yet.
Flaming sunset.
Thursday morning the big guy was down past the Don Fraser bypass.
We had frost last Friday.
The beaver has started pruning trees on our property.
Look who showed up with Mrs. Henny Penny. I guess the old girl still has "it".
He's a handsome dude.
The Mrs. was more interested in breakfast.
And! We had 2 whiskey jacks come back. No sign of Her, of the missing leg, yet.
Yesterday we had an early Thanksgiving and good bye to Paul, Sharon and David dinner.
You can have 2 desserts if you do planks like this.

The plank target.
Jose's diner. We had Jose, Sharon, Paul, Judith, Tina, David, Bryan, Brad, Matt, Rachel, James, Razor, Gord, Barb, Grasshopper, and me.
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