Happy Birthday SILy Liz.
Have a great day!
Lucy and her Mom haven't been regulars to our bay lately, but we did see them while we were out and a boat. Mom out front and Big girl Lucy following.
We went to church last Sunday, on our way for a visit at the Estate.
Monday was Day one of construction of the Bedrock Municipal garage.
Nice sun set.
Tuesday, on the way to Bedrock, we spotted Mom and Lucy. Fishin' musta been good 'cause they were down more that they were up.
Day 2 of construction.
Kim, trying to hide out in the shadows.
Lil Tomiko diamonds.
Day 3, ready for trusses.
Day4, Russ brings another truss to Kim and Jordan.
The high side is all done.
To pay for the garage, Mrs. Slate is offering rides on Grover.
It's raining, so the trusses won't get done today.
For J, the librarian.

You should check out Grasshopper's pantry, there's lots of holy water in there.

So far ...


What if I say sorry?

Longest election, ever, and all of their promises will come into effect after we all pass away.

We would have to have a perpetual power supply for this to work.