Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A very Happy 9th birthday to Super-daughter Ellia.

Ain't she sweet?

A few weeks ago the North Bay fire department were called out to a car fire on the Mitchell Lake road. Some people were surprised that the city dept. would come all the way out here. Photos by Vic and Jane.

A ring neck snake on the old stump in the back yard.

On the 13th we were invaded by the US navy. Here are the Szy's, (give me a vowel) Tom and Mary Anne.

They did bring eats. German style "weck" buns.

And the best ever corn. Mary Anne, Tom, Grasshopper, and TT.

Going home.

Practising to hand feed the grouse.

On the 14th, No-show Richie showed up for 29 minutes. Now you see him,...

Now you don't.

Cloud with a hole in it.

A snake used Grasshopper's Phaser track to shed it's skin.

Sooooo close.

Last evening we went on a dinner cruise with the Szys, Frasers, and Rudy.

The Auto pilot wasn't the only one wearing a toque. Richie, you will LOL!!! What ever will they do in October, never mind in February.

Success at last! Four chicks ate from my hand.

You're welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Photos and Comments Frank.. I should do one of these blogs..See you very shortly..Anne