Sunday, October 30, 2011

Who was # 58000 ?

Nope, no prize.

It's been really quiet here lately, that silly people doing silly things thing, but that will change on Thursday, I bet. Lots of rain lately. We had happy hour at the Smith's and Kelly's and Grasshopper has done some dog sitting. Dave M. will be leaving soon. People running around the woods shooting at who knows. And that's about it.

Ducks. The loons have been funny all year. They flocked up in the summer, they usually do this just before they leave, and they usually stay until there is ice on the lake. But, we haven't seen any for about three weeks, and then this week we hear them calling on Sand Lake.

The sun popped out from under the clouds at sunset, highlighting the eastern shore. Jon and Tom were here for happy hour on this evening, I think.

Jose, you could take pics like this, if you got up before noon!

Today's funny. Where are your Tim bits now?



C said...

It wasn't me!

Anonymous said...

That would be Whitey