Sunday, September 04, 2011

First of all remember that round is  a shape!

Friday we had dinner and a great evening with Penny and Rob.

Check out the salad.

Great food, great company, great fun! Thanks for the invite!

Then, on Saturday there was a welcome home dinner @ the Fowler Estate for James and Rachel. I think that over the past three weeks I have made enough buns to feed the multitudes. I wonder what I could do with a couple of fishes and a bucket of water? I could probably feed about half of the people that Josie feeds.

I'm not going to name everybody in every pic. If you don't see yourself, then you weren't there, except for Kathleen who must have turned on her cloaking device.

Jamie's friend Nestor was a newbie.

Of course you have to eat before you eat.

Jacaranda (yes, that is a real name) blessed us with her presence.

Martin and Jos were first timers.

Himself on his throne.

Rachel couldn't smile 'cause her mouth was full of my buns.

Proud Mom and prodigal son James.

OK, were going to take a time out and skip pics of the chicken wings, two kinds of spare ribs, spaghetti, noodles, corn on the cob and potato salad because Blogger has limits on how many calories that you can post and skip right to.......... 


Please, please remember that round is a shape, please.

The "shove off Mate" crew.

And then, this morning it was a lumberjack's breakfast at the AKA Smith's. We hadn't seen Larry and Helen in awhile.

One lump or two?

The men folk cleaned the barbie while the dishes were done. Oh, and that's Max, who might be the only canine match for our George.


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