One of the problems with not doing posts as regular as I used to, I sometimes forget when and where certain events occurred. So, here are some random pictures taken at random times and places. I'll add notes where the rememory circuits are working.
Some afternoon(????) Richie, Leanne, Addison, Bear, Ben, Laura and Cody dropped by. Cody is the cute little red head, not the tall goofy one.

There's Addison, hiding behind Ben.

Lee bought a stairway to...

Diesel hitching a ride. I do remembering Vicki serving an awesome supper on this evening and Lee doing an OK job on the steaks.

You too can have a nice camp fire just like this one if you use large amounts of fossil fuel to kick start it.

I DO remember this day, JULY 19 Grasshopper's birthday. I picked the berries and made the blueberry buckle coffee cake myself, from scratch.

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