Maybe it's my fault, I had put the roof rake away.

I have had to bail out and shovel out the boat the past few mornings.

We have had some really high winds lately so I checked to see if any trees had fallen on the drive way. No trees down, but lots of tracks. It seems like everything is on the move at this time of year. Bear tracks.

I've never seen three bears traveling together.

Moose, wolf and bear tracks on the Brule Lake Road.

Who ate who?

Herons circling their nests on Sand Lake.

Herons on the nest.

View out the back door at supper time last evening.

So glad you took the time to capture the Herons. The tracks are quite impressive...and lucky you didn't meet the 3 amigos while on your drive!
yeah, same thing happened to me, got my bike all ready went for a spin it was great. the next day a blizzard hit and stayed for a few days. but i should be good to go again by wednesday, if it is the will of the BVWSQ, may peace be upon her. amen.
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