First of all I hope everybody had a happy Family Day holiday yesterday. Oh, wait now, you folks down home don't get that one. Don't worry, you'll get it some day, probably in about twenty years.
What great weather we've had the past 4 or 5 days. Even people who don't like winter enjoyed the sun and near zero day time temperatures.
Now on to Men's weekend. Great weather, except for not enough snow on the lakes.
It's only fun and games till some one loses a sled. Luckily no one was hurt, but they don't make enough duct tape to fix up this Yamaha.

Saturday every body went for rides. Except for the owner of the Yamaha. Here, we are on the Little Jocko River.

Proof that the only difference between men and boys, is the price of their toys.

It was actually a pretty good turn out for the weekend. But, I heard that North Bay was getting low on roses and chocolates. My partner let me down again. Poor OLD Minky has never won this tournament and I don't know how many more chances he has left. The winners were Dick and Harry, or was it Dave and Harry? I'm pretty sure one of them was a Harry.

Rick, it was nice to hear from you. I hope you had a nice "visit" at the institution on the hill. The one with a fence.