Sorry Kita, you don't get 91 hot dogs.


#1 whiskey jack eating breakfast.

#3 with frost on his head.

It's warm here this morning, a balmy -35. Grasshopper and Mrs. Slate went to town again this morning. No, I don't have to empty the composter yet. I might be full of it, but not that full.
you never feel so alive, nor as close to death as when yer outside at those temps. I have the same weather station at home, it's one of the better (if not the best) on the market.
p.s. looking at +2.0c for tomorrow
Gee Franky,
You have a better AWOS system then where you use to work.lol
Big Lotto draw tonight, if we win we can join Razer.
Keep warm.
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