This newspaper clipping is from the olden days when girls in uniform pumped your gas for 20 cents a GALLON. Boy, that was a looooong time ago.

I spent the last couple of days installing a solar system for the Doc and doing some rewiring. Another one off the noisy generator. The systems are now pretty much just plug and play, making installation almost idiot proof. Soon, even you can can install one yourself, making me obsolete.

Weather, more rain and thunder storms. Almost time to board the boat, two by two.
This is how I spent the Summer of '69...
I was 17...
No Woodstock for me...
Thanks for remembering Swami!
happy birthday grasshopper. Bryan Adams is disappointed in how you spent the summer of 69
Happy Birthday Cathy! How are you spending this one?
Happy Birthday Cathy, make sure to make the appropriate toasts for everyone.
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