A 99 and 27/28th % full moon.

We dropped in to visit Jose, Ed and Bryan the other day. Gypsy greets Grasshopper.

Meet the newest resident of Little Tomiko, Bess, the 11 week old Newfie.

Pics of the total eclipse. That's the best I can do with the lens that I have.

As expected, Richie's Boss wouldn't let him leave early, so he won't get here 'till tomorrow. I'd go on strike Rich, or go work for another idiot.
Hey, isn't Bess a cutie! She sure pees alot. Reminds me why I wouldn't want a pup again!
Are you all geared up for Men's Weekend? Have a good one but don't hold up any floors!!!!
I think that should read hold DOWN any floors. Ooops...
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