Fog yesterday morning.

A half hour later.

Five loons came by for a visit.

I spent the afternoon at Frasertown yesterday and stayed for supper. L to right, Rachel, Minky, Razor and TT. Finger lickin' good, eh TT?

Speaking of suppers, I haven't had to cook this week. Here's the week's menu:
Monday - KFC
Tuesday - KFC
Wednesday - KFC
Thursday - Yup, KFC
Friday - reheat five day old left overs
Saturday - Dine out at Razor's Lube and Grill
Sunday - diner at the Kelly's
Hey Bruce have fun in Africa. GG and I dropped by a couple of times but you weren't home We'll meet up when you get back.
Frankie, you didn't drop in.
Richie, when you worked for Edsel's grand kids, you were up here all the time. Now that you work for a jerk, you are never here. PS Razor has a two by four all sized up for the transplant.
Tim, your blog is so old, it's getting mouldy.
Bryan, you left your hat here, Lord knows you need it, I'll drop it off soon.
Came home yesterday to find a bag of books on the dock, I think I know who dropped them off, thanks mateys.