Way back, on the 19th we watched a wolf cross our bay. Almost too late, we said we should take a picture and a video. So, such as they are, here they are.
YouTube video
Purple finch.
A fresh coat of snow on the 25th.
This past Saturday I went with Razor to check out the construction job where they were replacing the culverts under the tracks at the end of the lake.
The tracks were removed and piled up out of the way.
Then they removed all of the dirt. They used three excavators. One excavator would pass fill up to the next guy who would get it up over the top.
Razor's neighbor had a front row seat as the contractors used his property for access.
Here we are on the Indian lake side of the tracks.
New culverts.
You can see thru to Little Tomiko.
The causeway @ Indian lake.
There are telephone and fiber cables running along the tracks. They pile drove a couple of steel beams (V) into the ground and ran a messenger cable across the hole and hung the cables from that (VV). They also hung Christmas lights for night work.
Another cleansing this morning. Can you see Bill's point?
This guy, a northern shrike, ( allaboutbirds ), bounced off of the screen on the deck. It took a couple of minutes for it to clear it's head. Then it almost flew into the generator shed.
A closer look at it's beak. This is a predatory bird that impales it's prey on thorns. ( video )
Not much snow left last Friday.

American tree sparrow.
On Tuesday we celebrated Jose's 32 birthday. You know that there was a good spread on.
Bonehead, Jose, Moi, Bryan, Mary, Grasshopper, Jacey with Dill, Mary-Lou, and Jon. Big Luke was the official photographer for the day.
So, he took a selfie.
Some of Luke's pics.
Yesterday we went to Camp full of "it" for St. Paddy's day dinner.
Corned beef and fixin's.
Big Luke double fisting.
The past few days have been close to + 10 during the day and not going below 0 at night. This made for some "interesting" riding. More like plowing thru the top layer of slush.
Last night went down to -10 and turned the lake into a hard, lumpy moonscape.
Yesterday we saw our first red wings of the season. Today I managed to get a pic thru a closed window. I saw 2 geese yesterday morning and there are a ton of beach chickens on the lake.
The boys ripping the slush.
Youtube video