Saturday, April 13, 2013

Even if you only had one eye, you would have,

to admit that this is B, U, T, FULL!

This morning, so clean, so curvy, so smooth...

Yesterday morning.


This morning.

Human, on the left, mink on the right?

Wet, heavy stuff.

We went to THE Estate to help with a little shoveling. We were not the only nut bars to sled on the lake.

It looks a little lost.

We cruised the lake, nobody home, here.

Making maple syrup at the Davis' camp. 

Mrs. Slate come over the other day to help Tom, I mean Grasshopper stack wood. She is too fast to shoot.

As you can see, the road to Rich's is paved with snow.

Some of you know about Tomiko Tommy, the lake monster who lives in front of our house. Did you know that we also have a Yeti?  Here are the tracks of the inevitable Snowman.  My old boss, the Cod Father, would have loved that one.

More tracks.

In case you have forgotten what spring looks like, here's one. 

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