Monday, June 18, 2012

Lucky you! 2 posts today!

We dropped in to visit the Fowlers.

The welcoming committee, Bess and Jose.

Proof that I didn't kill Grasshopper's flowers while she was away.

My favourite, looks like snow.

Hey, do you remember that grey tree frog that was green? Well, I go down to the boat to refuel and I see a grey, grey tree frog on a tire on the dock. They do change colours like chameleons, but slower. I run up to the cabin to get the camera, but the frog is gone when I get back to the dock. While I'm gassing up I see the frog inside a tire.

I pull it out to get a pic. I try to put it back on the tire but ...

...It jumps in the boat.

I keep trying to put it back to where I found it, but it keeps jumping around.  The frog jumps overboard, takes three big giant breast strokes for freedom, aaaannnnnd a bass comes out from under the boat and, GULP!, the frog disappears, oops!.

Today's gene cleaning hint.

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