Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So, here's the deal with Blogger. It's free, BUT you only get a certain amount of space to store your photos at Picasa Web Albums, which is part of the Google conglomerate. Since I have been on broad band I have been uploading them at full size, around 3 megs each. Now Picasa wants some money. But if you upload a smaller size, you get unlimited storage. (?) So now we are back to the size I used on dial up. You can email me if you want any full sized pics.

No, that's not dandruff on George this morning.

It was snow!

Because of global warming and not getting any snow last winter, the lake is very low.

So I added a 12 foot extension to the dock.

It made the ramp to the aluminum dock a little steep. To adjust the aluminum dock I have to go under water, so that can wait a few days.

We had a wind storm yesterday and last night, but BFO's today.

Grasshopper and TT went to Sudbury last weekend. So I soloed supper at the Fowler's with Ed, Jacobina, Bryan and Jose, who is stealing my job as Little Tomiko photographer in residence.

Jose's onion rings are my favourite, can you tell?

This is a good one. It's my opinion the Harper won't be happy until he rapes, pillages, and plunders all of our natural resources and sells them to the highest bidder, and damn the environment.

I like this one too. Now don't get me going again!

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