Friday, April 03, 2015

First off,
Happy Birthday Mr.Slate!  
Remember, yer not a year older, yer a year closer to retirement.

(I say, better a day late that a dollar short). 

I checked the blog the other day looking for comments and noticed the hit counter. 133,000.
This is after twice losing the counter when it was over 50,000 both times. 

Where were we on this date in 2012? 

Yeah, we were out and aboat! I still crack me up. Here's a link to that blog post. 

 On Tuesday, while Grasshopper went to town, I started tapping for maple syrup. 

I have a few old-school/new-school buckets.

They come with plastic spiles.

Because I'm a pirate, arrr, and 'cause I'm on a fixed income.

I made a potato and ham quesada for my personal shopper for going to town for me.

White breasted nuthatch.

  A video of Grasshopper heading to town. CLICK.

A video of George and the ermine. The funny sound you hear is me choking on a snot bubble as the ermine steals a turkey leg bone that was to be given to the whiskey jacks. CLICK.

Sometimes I get this stuff in my inbox.

Is this why old people are called dinosaurs?


Again, retirement helps, sort of, sometimes.
YEAH! What he said.

Har, har.

Monsanto at work.

YEAH! What she said.

People in the air force used to call this paint by numbers. Now, I think they all wear it.

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