Sunday, January 04, 2015

You had better grab a large glass of that lumpy egg nog for this one.

Happy New Year! 

 Yeah, I know that I'm a little late, but it's the thought that counts, isn't it? Bonehead and big Luke were here for a five days, and that's a full time job keeping them outta trouble, and then when you add in Scarrie, that's like overtime. 

Dec 29, Grasshopper's Christmas cactus has bloomed.

Dec 30, Where's Mrs. Henny Penny?

Frost on the lake.

Here comes Camp Full of IT.

Goin'n home. 

Dec 31st, My Tomiko family held a birthday party for me. There might have been something else on the go, but it wasn't too important. 

Mr. Slate, Kat, Big Luke, Scarrie, and Grasshopper arriving at the Estate. 

Who's in the kitchen? Watch yer step, Jon.

Did you know that the Brits invented nachos?

OMG! Nachos, meat balls, Chinese chicken and pork, ham, onion rings.

Perogies, chicken wings, roast pork, ribs, shrimps.

Grasshopper made my favourite birthday cake.

In case that you were still hungry...

and tarts too.

Dan and Kathleen left a little early, they had stuff to blow up. There were fireworks at Bedrock. We watched them thru the narrows, but they were too far away for pics.

Back row, Jerolin, Mary-Lou, Bryan, front row, Sir Edwin, Lee, Lucas, Carrie, Jose, Grasshopper, and Jon.

Some gifts and cards. They were very appropriate 'cause they know me so well, except I'm pretty sure that they got their math wrong. 

Arrrr, I'm a pirate, arrrr. 

The center of the universe.

Been there, done that, got a blog to remember for me.

They really do know me, don't they?

I think that these cards came from the wrong section of the card rack.

Shlocky at Bedrock. Hey what's the "L" in Luke for? Oh yeah, Loser!


Then it was off to Camp full of Bull to watch the ball drop. Sally had had a scrap out of her weight class. She doesn't look too impressed.

Aah, much happier now!

And then sometimers set in and I forgot that I had a camera. 

Oh, oh, the Bat phone just rang and I gotta see a Lady about a flat tyre. Where's a phone booth when you need one? I'll finish catching you up L8R. 

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