Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Lucky you. I've had a cancellation today, so I am all yours for a half hour or so. So, I'll try and remember stuff and bring you up to date.

So, if I remember correctly, this was the view last Tuesday, with the lake just starting to break up.

Wednesday morning the ice was half way across the lake. 

After installing the last new screen...

it was time for the dock.

THEN! The ice started to come at us and before you knew it, it started pushing the dock sideways.

It doesn't look like it could break a dock, does it? The white parts are whats left of our ice road and was still pretty solid.

I had to hang off the end of the dock for a couple of hours and break up the ice and push it away

Here comes the last of it.

 And that's the way it stayed until Thursday.

Thursday, X marks the center of the universe.

After getting Lee's cranky motor happy...

I took Lee's boat...

and took Grasshopper to Bedrock for a trip to town.

The greeting party.

I did have to break some ice on the frigid side of the lake.

I found a piece of someone's dock floating in the bay.

Two old friends showed up...

while I straightened out the dock.


it was off to Frasertown to put in a dock...

Rig up the Low rider...

back her into the lake...

and take her home.

Saturday morning.

After checking out some of Mr. Slates new toys...

We stayed for a supper of shish kabobs...

and fresh corn, too.

Sunday we 4wheeled it over the road to Rich's to the Fowler's for a visit. Johari, Bess, TT, Jose, Sir Edwin in the corner, out of view was Bryan.

and had supper here, too.

Jose, eF, and J.

 There's Bryan, actually reading the manual.

After supper a Merlin, which is a small falcon, raced around the yard looking for it's supper. This was the best pic, just it's tail.

On the way home, on the station road, two male grouse were sparring in the middle of the road. They really didn't care that I was there. They never actually touched each other, just a bunch of feints and parries. I had never seen this behavior in these birds.

OK, all you guys in the Land that Time Forgot, on the Least Coast, with all your Elvis sightings, here's the real deal. Pernell Roberts at Little Tomiko Lake!

While we had the screens off, a number of birds flew into the deck and smashed into the storm door. This dark eyed junco survived with just a head ache, some others were not so lucky.

Not a funny, just a sad statement. Now they are looking at buying used Marine ones???

OK,OK, here is a funny, just for you.



the Mailman Family said...

Looks a lot like summer up there! Are you happy that the snow and ice are gone? And how do you manage to get fed so well on your visits?

C said...

Not so happy the ice and snow are gone...because the bugs are not far behind! It's our charm that gets us fed! C

Unknown said...

Who is the man who looks like Pernell Roberts?