Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We have been busy, sometimes you just have to stop and smell a trillium. Except that this one has small spiders on it.

Some one came up our drive way and got stuck a few times and made a big mess.

Finally, a bird that is named properly. A black and white warbler. You will have to blow up the picture to see it. I call it the zebra bird.

On Sunday we went to Indian lake to hook up a water system and put in the dock. The wind picked up, so we had to stop.

We did go back yesterday and got everything done, but forgot the "after" shots.

Your sunset pic.



The birch buds are opening.

I you look close you can see green leaves starting across the lake.

Oh yeah, the black flies are back, just in time for the long weekend and the opening of pickerel season. Your welcome.


C said...

"Round up" your supply of After Bite and Muskol 'cause here we go again!

Melinda and Timothy Brown said...

we swear by Watkin's. best bug dope ever. it's a cream and works on all the critters.

the Mailman Family said...

Beautiful pics! Our blackflies are back too :( Must try the Walkin's!