Wednesday, February 02, 2011

It's time for a protest!

I don't know if you are aware  that the internet providers are trying to change  the way that you are billed for your internet. Most of you probably have unlimited usage now. The providers now want to limit how much you use and charge you for "overages". Yesterday the CRTC approved this. There is an on line petition trying to stop this from happening. After the CRTC decision came down the government has asked for a review of this decision. So, you should go to this link and sign up.  Just maybe the government will be on our side for a change. 

Power to the people! 


Rachel Slote-Brown said...

That's crazy! I can't even imagine what our bill would be - especially with all the skyping we do some weeks. I signed the petition, even if we don't live in Canada now, it would still affect us (especially when we move back to Canada... someday).

Christine Harris said...

Signed and shared!