Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tuesday evening we had a turkey dinner at the Smith's. That's John Smith at the far end of the table. Yeah, I know that you know that I know a John Smith, and that's not him. But he really is John Smith, just ask the witness protection people. At this end is Mary Lou. Yeah, I know that you know that I know a Mary Lee, but you can't expect the bureaucrats to get it all right. Gord and Barb were there, as was Fred. After that it gets a little murky. I think there was a Larry, but no Curly or Moe. It  doesn't matter any way, they were probably using aliases. There's Grasshopper saluting everyone on the Least Coast, and I see some one's buns in the center of the table.

Even when it is foggy or over cast, it is still beautiful in the Center of the Universe.

There have been three break ins again. The police suggest writing down license plates of vehicles that we don't recognize and cottage owner's to put up "game, or trail " cameras.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i sudgest killing one thief and hang him at the entrance to the road, it will keep the others away.