Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm still here, and you thought that I couldn't look after myself. Who do you think looked after me long ago B.C.? Well, I had left overs for Friday and Saturday. On Sunday I went to have a pop or two with Mr. Slate, and wouldn't you know, they were having Thanksgiving dinner. They twisted my arm so I reluctantly stayed for turkey and all the fixin's and really good lemon pie. As payment, I let Mr. Slate beat me at pool.

On Sunday, I was invited to the Fowler's. Here we had turkey, ham, and more veggies than you could ever possibly eat. I brought home enough left overs to last me at least three days. 

Ok, here's the hard part, remembering names, especially when they throw in THREE newbies. Let's see, Jose, Nickie, Beth, Grace, Tina, Ed, Shirley, Tom, me, and Jocelyn . Missing in these pics are Bryan and Leah. They had to take a trip into Emerg 'cause Bryan cut his hand trying to help me dock the boat.

Random pics, the sunrise ones are kind nice, I think.

This really sucks, especially when the owner wasn't riding it.

Remember that you can click on the pics to make them bigger.



C said...

Who was the unfortunate soul who lost his/her machine? Insurance job? or NO insurance

C said...

Who was the unfortunate soul who lost his/her machine? Insurance job? or NO insurance

Anonymous said...

I meant to say that we sorely missed Turkey and Fixins at Fowlers and Kelly's. Looks and Reads like a good time!