Sunday, April 13, 2008


Well, I guess it'll be a long, long, long time before Richie and Leanne come for a visit as they will have to start a college fund soon. TT and Grasshopper say congratulations Leanne! Razor and I will just have to try and remember the friend that we used to have.

Ben, Razor found another sled for you to get towed on.


Anonymous said...

its time we set up a slush fund for itchybitchyrichy, so he can go down to the justice of the peace and pay his 60.00 fine to get married.i guess i better go to hillside funeral home and pay for my cremation and urn dispensing fee for my sorry failure of a life.i will be burning ritchies diploma from his school of batchlerhood this weekend.tsk.tsk.

Anonymous said...

dont burn that diploma till i get here. I want to see it go up in flames.


Anonymous said...

there will be no burning of any diploma just yet guys - so you can come out of your depression.. he hasn't made an honest woman out of me yet! that is going to be awhile - it seems as though Don's school of bachelorhood is still being attended!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

yaheeeeeeee mf