Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Well, here's your answer. It's a moth. It hatched(?) in a plastic container. Here, it's wings are like wet tissue paper.

It was too week to stand on it's own.

It seemed to like hanging upside down.

So I hung it on a stick so the wings would dry. A couple hours later, it was gone.

I put ketchup chips, left over from the superkids, on the bird feeder. This squirrel beat the birds to it.

Sunday night, an awesome thunder storm passed just south of us. Some times there were 3 or 4 lightening strikes per second. The storm lasted over an hour and a half. Grasshopper ran out of oohs and aahs.

Monday evening.

Today we went to town and got some groceries. We also bottled some of that flat beer that they make from grapes. What's up with that?


C said...

It definitely was an awesome storm! And another one 2 nights later! Ooooh! Awwwww! Wow!

Anonymous said...


Are the ooohs and awwws from the storm or are you working your magic?