Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Cruising last evening.

This afternoon.

Here you go Rudy, Jack and Linda say "HI". The mosquitoes aren't too bad right now.

Jason left this morning around 8:30. He's probably around Montreal as we speak. When Jay left, Kita took off after him. Jay stopped about a kilometer down the road. Hard run for an old guy first thing in the morning, (me).


the Mailman Family said...

Hi Frank - I've talked to Jay a few times today. He's making good time and hopes to be in Edmunston around 9:15 this evening. He called once for directions on Mapquest around supper time - he got a little off track and had to back track a few kms - not bad! Thanks for having him - he says he enjoyed his time with you!

John and Cathy Miller said...

There is something about the back of Kita's head that makes me want to reach out and give him a pat.

How's George?

Back to work for now, damn it!