It's been snowing all day today, just light granular
stuff. They were calling for 5-10 cm, but we only
have about 2 so far. Today was another good day.
I have a tankless water heater that's been having
problems since I got back. Today I took it off the
wall and tore the whole thing apart. I found the
inlet screen, (which you can't get at when it's on the
wall), was dirty. I also found a solder ball plugging
a venturi. It's working like new so far.
Did this repair require a smoke break?
Hi GpF! A new grandson - congrats!Can you send me an e-mail that I can reply to since when I try to send you something it won't work.
so, i'm thinking that these grandbabies of yours only come in 2 sizes.. 7lbs 12oz for the girls and 9lbs 3oz for the boys. how cool is that?
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