4 year old Bristol giving her dad, Denis, a ride on the sea doo.
Click. Bristol skiing
Click. One handed Bristol.
We 4wheeled to visit Linda and Howard @ the McKeen camp.
Grasshopper saw this rig on the Notman road. It is used for aerial spraying. They land a chopper on top to refill the sprayers and to refuel.
Last day of August, fitting for the summer we had. Geese flying south.
Super high.
2 September, frost.
After picking up the Brown Superkids at the highway I noticed this pile of dead grass in the back yard. It reminded me of something I saw on-line a while ago.
Upon further investigation, this is what I found.
I don't think that they are bunnies like I saw on-line. Comparing pics of new born rabbits, these ones have round ears.
They look kinda mole like, but I think they are too big for that. They are thumb size.
Floyd caught a nice 16 incher.
Nova caught a 20 incher which we released.
Sparking up the fire for sausages, dogs, and KD for lunch.
Calliope reading in the cabin.
Calliope reading on the dock.
Rachel and Floyd testing the water.
Floyd tows Nova.
Invisible Nova in the sea biscuit.
Dr. J. reading on the big rock.
Submarine Nova.
Chicken and pork on the grill for dinner.
and corn on the cob.
Biologist friends think those are deer mice.
ReplyDeletecool vids of the kid!