Actually, it wasn't Pat's fault. The new fly by wire throttles on those 4 strokes are very sensitive and you can launch yourself in to orbit if you hit a bump that you weren't expecting.
Toys in the parking lot.
Let the games begin.
Score card tabulating in the back corner. The more fingers you have, the easier the counting goes?
This is Gerry on the left and Vic on the right. They worked together for the ONR in Cochrane, many, many, many years ago.
1st place whiners(my blog, right?), Don Davis on the left and Rick on the right.
Rick won't be smiling when he sees this pic. See how fast that Don put that money in his pocket?
2nd place winners, 'cause they try harder, AKA Jon Smith and Frank Brown. That's Jon in the plaid shirt and Frank behind the camera.
3rd place, from the Sarnia camp, Berg on the left and Critter on the right. Hey, I don't make up these names, well, not ALL of them.
I hope you covered up your tomatoes last night.
But, don't worry, check out the green line.
For winos with sometimers. Where's my damn drink now?
Did you get your shots this year? They really do work.
Mr. Harper's fighter jet replacement program.
stole some good ones there , big bro