Friday, March 28, 2014

It's been very quiet around here lately. It has snowed some almost every day since spring arrived. I had one more shift in on the municipal plow. There is so much snow that it's hard to get the snow up and over over the bank. 

Ice fog last Friday morning.

Red sky in the morning last Monday, before more snow.

The purple finch boys are getting their courtin' colours on.

"Pick me." "No, pick ME!"

Can you find the grouse?

This one wasn't hiding.

Snow, on the back of the garage roof. You can see all the layers from all the snow falls. It was hanging over sideways about 3 feet. That's a heavy load, so I knocked it down.

Grasshopper has started filling the wood shed for next year.

It is now 1:10 and the temp is 2.9 and .49 inches of rain. YUCK! I took Grasshopper across the lake at 9:00 and the snow on the lake was getting soft and sticky, then. Maybe she will have to stay on that side of the lake for awhile.

So, I heard that since this winter was so cold, so long, and so much snow that we will not have a bug season this year! If this doesn't happen, you can blame M-L. S, she started the rumour. 

Brown super genes at work. 10 month Floyd playing the piano.

Kung Fu, orange belts. 6 year old Athena, 11 year old Ellia, and 12 year old Kaeden.

 OK, OK, maybe the Slote and Bishop genes might have had some effect on these super kids. 

OK, so this is no joke. This is a house in Newfoundland. Who's complaining now?


I thought that I saw a robin when I was plowing the causeway at Indian Lake.

Now, now, Mrs. Slate, it's not that bad, is it?

Har, har. It's true this year.

This link is for Bonehead and Big Luke, just sayin' it might be safer than a bungee cord...   Redneck dentistry.

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