Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy 75th Birthday, Juliet!

Sorry that I'm a day late, but, we were busy yesterday and didn't get home 'till late. 

Mrs. Henny Penny has been landing in the maple outside a window and eating maple seeds. 

My personal shopper was coming back from town last Wednesday and spotted this young bull at the river. 

If you zoom in, you can tell that he is just a little horny. On his forehead!


Now, I have heard that some people, mostly Newfies, were confused with the Buddy link. Some people thought he was some buddy named Guy, and some people thought he was some guy named Buddy. And some people thought he was Buddy Wasisname. So, here's a link to your buddy, Buddy. buddy Buddy 

Photo Bomb of the day. 

Too funny. 

 Lastly, today's truism. 

OH, I almost forgot. 

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