Sunday, May 26, 2013

It's been quietly busy here lately, with LOTS of rain.

On Wednesday we saw a moose swimming across the narrows, almost at the widest part. Sorry for the picture quality. We used an Ipod touch camera and the moose was right in the edge of the reflection of the water and we didn't want to stress her out.

Leaving a wake.

Getting out.

Thursday we had freezing rain, sleet and mushy snow. 

I should have put the snowball in the freezer and saved it for when Jose missed the snow.

On Friday I went to Jocko with Aka Smith. Yeah, 'cause we could, Razor. Oh, yeah, we met your new neighbors across the tracks. One of them is the son in law of Mr. Wallace. When we went in the trail we passed two trailers with the tongues torn off. har,har! They burnt down the old house, which I forgot to take a picture of the smouldering ruins. The bad news is that they already met Jamie, so, too late for a good first impression.

The water is still high from all the rain.

All fish put back to catch when they grow bigger.

Dr. Brown, we have differing opinions of this little one.

We have a record number of humming birds this year. They are still camera shy.

The continuing sad state of the state.

Another truism.

 Today's funny.

Dear anonymous, Tommy is to Tomiko as Nessie is to Loch Ness and Ogopogo is to Lake Okanagan.


1 comment:

  1. Picture is a little small, but looks like a Pine Siskin.
