Thursday, June 16, 2011

The PC computer has been really acting up, so you'll get them before I lose it.

Another very calm morning. Yesterday was too hot at 31c. I think that we will take off about 20 degrees and send the last 10 degrees to the moist coast.

I went to the Fowler Estate for dinner last evening and had the best ever onion rings. 

And the best angel cup cakes. I even got to bring 4 home.

OOOPS, just recovered from another "blue screen of death"

Last night we had a full harvest moon in June. It was so orangie/yellow. I probably need a $2000 lens to do it justice.

This is what it looks like as the mosquitoes are chewing your wrists off.

1 comment:

  1. I can hear the cup cakes calling my name all the way from from the Moist Coast! Can't wait to get back to the Centre to see the mosquitoes chewing off your hands at the wrist. I miss that! I miss the beautiful scenery, as well, as I do have my priorities...All goes well here. Lots of boxes to unpack. The gutted garage and basement 3/4 done and bathroom starts Monday. TV internet, now working!
