We went for a bird walk this morning, got one more, and took some pics of the fall colours.
Been keeping a low profile the past few days. Thursday the computer died, thanks, Bill Gates. It took me all day Friday to get it back, with no thanks to the exspurts (ex = past tense and spurt = a drip under pressure) at Nastypuke. Yesterday, Grasshopper, Linda and Sharon went on the Country Roads Artisan Tour. I stayed home and made bread and then visited with TPD and Cindy.
Richie #2, I thought #2 tried harder? Your cell phone is #2, too, right behind Festering Boil's phone. I think Kelly misses my buns!
wow, you guys have way more pretty leaves than us. ours are just starting to change, the kids can't wait until there are enough to rake up and jump in!