Sunday, May 20, 2007

Been busy the past few days, we haven't even turned the computer on since Thursday. First, some pics from Thursday evening.

A duck takes off in the dark.

It was pretty hot inside the bug jacket on Friday, so Grasshopper takes a long walk off a short dock.

Friday we noticed that the water level was falling fast, so we checked out the beaver dam. There was a hole, so I hopped in and "eagerly" started fixing it. We went back on Saturday and finished the job.

TPD and Cindy came by to watch the dam repair. Kita jumped into their boat for a visit.

Hey Razor! Some guys can wear a wet suit.

And some guys can't!

Last evening we went fishing and I caught 2 fish on the first drift, and not another bite after that. This one was 24.25 inches. Fried pickeral for supper tonight!

Home is waiting for you, Bruce.


  1. Anonymous4:18 am

    HAHAHAHAHA I bet Don is already planning a pay back for that pic.


  2. Anonymous11:29 pm

    Enjoyed your photos, Frank. Looks like a new form of ART (talking about the "Water in Motion" ones, of course) As to the Other Form.....What was that all about ?... Bug jacket too tight,... black flies getting to her.....Grasshoppers don't like to get wet.....OR did you push her in ? NICE PIC, anyway.
    Boat still in driveway. Soon !!!

  3. Anonymous9:01 am

    Thanks for the photo makes me home sick, another day another country , still the dark continent three weeks to go, ps save me some fish!!
