High temperatures and humidity cause fog early in the morning.
If you look close, in front of the boat, you will see a young black bear.This bear has been hanging out at Bedrock for a couple of weeks. It would look in the window at 3 dogs barking at it. A few days ago, the MNR set up a trap and last evening the bear was caught. Which brings up the question: If a bear trapped in the city is released in the woods, where do you release a bear trapped in the woods? How about Queen's Park? Or maybe Pamela Anderson would like it?
This picture doesn't really show the swelling from mosquito bites. This is the worst time of year for bugs. You got your mosquitoes early and late in the day, black flies are still around, horse and deer flies come out in the heat of the day, or when you have both hands busy. It has been near 30C for a week now.
Yesterday we installed a new aluminum dock at Jose's and Ed's with help from TT, the Queen of London, Grasshopper, and BIG BRY. No pics cause I was in the water, but, I think Grasshopper might have some, 'cause she wasn't in the water. Last evening we had TT and Linda over for left over chicken and bowls of green stuff.
Little bro, there are now two bass under the dock, maybe a he/she thing?, one about 10 inches, and one about 14 inches. I did catch the bigger one by accident. When I tested Grasshopper's new rod, I dropped the lure off the side of the dock while I closed the tackle box and it caught it self. P.S. get well soon you whiner.
Nephew from Harperville, We'll be here. It should be very romantic at that time of year. You might even give your poor old Mom a BGB.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Gimmee a break, I've been busy lately. First, the old goat developed a leak in her transmission. I had to fill her up with oil and hope enough stayed in to make it to town.
Then the generator broke and it took a while to figure what was up with that. Luckily, you can still get parts for a thirteen year old gennie and the part is only $23. Still, I think that we will need a new electric start generator before winter. Generators can be hard to pull over at -30 and, you know, Grasshopper isn't getting any younger.
I helped Rob reinstall his gazillion pound inverter.
The black flies are bad and now the mosquitoes are out in full force.
I haven't even been dragging the camera around. So, some pics in the yard.
Lady slippers.
A future "T" of a "BLT"
So, like I said, my excuse was that I was busy. What's your excuse?
Young feller in Harperville, I'm expecting to see pics of a BGB bump soon. Your Mom isn't getting any younger you know.
Sis, SOMETHING exciting must be happening in the land that time forgot.
Baby brother, where are the pics of the real north woods cabin?
That's it for now. Grasshopper has gone to Sudbury with the Queen of London. So, after I check the water in the solar batteries, I'm just going to chill out.
Then the generator broke and it took a while to figure what was up with that. Luckily, you can still get parts for a thirteen year old gennie and the part is only $23. Still, I think that we will need a new electric start generator before winter. Generators can be hard to pull over at -30 and, you know, Grasshopper isn't getting any younger.
I helped Rob reinstall his gazillion pound inverter.
The black flies are bad and now the mosquitoes are out in full force.
I haven't even been dragging the camera around. So, some pics in the yard.
Lady slippers.
A future "T" of a "BLT"
So, like I said, my excuse was that I was busy. What's your excuse?
Young feller in Harperville, I'm expecting to see pics of a BGB bump soon. Your Mom isn't getting any younger you know.
Sis, SOMETHING exciting must be happening in the land that time forgot.
Baby brother, where are the pics of the real north woods cabin?
That's it for now. Grasshopper has gone to Sudbury with the Queen of London. So, after I check the water in the solar batteries, I'm just going to chill out.